Lafayette District Schools
Controlled Open Enrollment
Controlled Open Enrollment
Lafayette School District is accepting applications for enrollment in Grades K-12 for students wanting to attend our school district from other districts. Parents must complete an application for school choice for the subsequent school year during the open enrollment period and have an application submitted by May 31st to facilitate timely decisions and notifications. Applications are accepted outside the open enrollment period, the key factor in granting or denying a request is the capacity of the school.
NOTE: The law governing Controlled Enrollment changed beginning the 2017-18 school year. If your child resides outside of Lafayette County boundaries and has not been approved to attend this school district the prior year, you will need to complete the Controlled Open Enrollment paperwork and get approved before you can register your child for school in Lafayette County School District.
LCSB Controlled Open Enrollment Application 2024-25 - Eng.pdf
LCSB Controlled Open Enrollment Application 2024-25 - SP.pdf
LCSB Controlled Open Enrollment Plan 2024-25 - Eng.pdf
LCSB Controlled Open Enrollment Plan 2024-25 - Spanish.pdf
Proof of Residency
COE - Enrollment Counts
If you have any questions, please contact Alissa Hingson, Director of Teaching and Learning Services at 386-294-4137 or