The Lafayette County School District last received Title III funding in the 2021-22 school year. When the District receives this federal funding; the focus of the funding is on providing supplemental professional development to teachers of ELLs, and on providing scientifically research-based academic programs to assist ELL academic achievement and English language acquisition.  LCSD is not receiving these funds for the 2023-24 school year.  

Title III Part A ELL - Award Notification 2021-22 - S340-1022B-2C001 - recd 08-23-2021  (most recent award notification granted LCSD from DOE)
ELL Testing Information: ACCESS for ELLs
Lafayette District Schools
363 NE Crawford St.
Mayo, FL 32066
LCSB: 386-294-4107
LCSB Fax: 386-294-3072
LES: 386-294-2882
LHS: 386-294-1701